DSS, Inc. Prioritizes Veteran Mental Health for Patient Safety Awareness Week

Every year, the Military Health System (MHS) hosts Patient Safety Awareness Week (PSAW), which serves as a national education campaign for promoting patient safety practices. This campaign is vital because patient safety issues continue to be a very common subject in the healthcare arena.

For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that there’s a 1 in 300 chance of a patient being harmed during health care, and patient harm is the 14th leading disease burden – on par with of malaria and tuberculosis. In addition, 50 percent of patient incidents and adverse events are preventable.

For more than 30 years, DSS, Inc. focused in building a safer future for patients by creating innovative solutions that tackle many of today’s persistent healthcare challenges. Our human-centered design approach ensures that we deliver solutions that enable our customers to provide optimal patient care in an environment focused on learning and quality improvement.

With a focus on clinical and operational excellence, DSS, Inc. is also continually focused on the future of the patient outcome and patient safety. For example, as the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has embarked on a journey to become an enterprise-wide High Reliability Organization (HRO), we are incorporating the key principles of HRO and Value-Based-Care into the products and services we provide.

This vision is coming to life with the DSS Iconic Data Patient Case Manager (PCM) solution, which helps VA medical centers to achieve excellence on VA performance and outcomes measures through monitoring care with real time data and improving accountability and overall care coordination for patient safety.

In addition to improving overall care coordination, the solution helps VA facilities to manage their Strategic Analytics for Improvement and Learning or SAIL metrics, as well as enhance efforts around patient access, population health management, community care, and public safety at care transitions.

With mental health emerging as an ideal use case for VA facilities using PCM, the solution is now integrated with the DSS Iconic Data Suicide Prevention Manager (SPM), which offers a clinical business intelligence engine that streamlines VA suicide prevention coordinator and case manager workflows, while also monitoring the care of Veterans at high risk for suicide.

SPM is deployed on the PCM platform and is used by many VA medical centers to streamline the monitoring of patients at high risk for suicide and to manage workflows associated with the VA Risk Identification Strategy.

The PCM/SPM Platform for Mental Health provides workflow efficiency tools, real-time analytics and reporting, as well as population management and administrative tools to improve care access.

As highlighted by this new integration, DSS, Inc. will continually develop new solutions and services that align with the VA’s strategic goals, advance HRO efforts, and always put the Veteran at the center of care.

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