Continued PCM HRO Adoption is Supporting the VA’s High Reliability Organization Journey

Leading health information technology providers DSS, Inc. and Iconic Data Inc. are committed to helping the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in making consistent progress on its journey to become a High Reliability Organization (HRO). Implementing advanced software to enable streamlined care coordination and real-time clinical workflow support is an essential part of this progress. There is a proven path – aviation and nuclear power are examples of industries that have applied HRO principles to achieve minimal errors despite unpredictable and hazardous conditions.

In the day-to-day hustle of VA health care facilities, clinical teams are constantly dealing with multiple challenges. These include impaired situational awareness, clinical and administrative workflow inefficiencies, and an inability to access the critical real-time data needed to deliver care excellence. VA staff members benefit from advanced software to provide holistic transparency into Veteran care and to free them from menial tasks so they can focus on the Veteran patient.

Patient Case Manager High Reliability Organization (PCM HRO) solution is helping the VA in evolving its operations to maintain exacting standards in patient care. PCM’s Suicide Prevention Manager utilizes PCM’s real-time clinical and administrative business intelligence engine and push notification capabilities, allowing real-time data and process automation to protect high-risk patients and save provider time.

PCM HRO automates the monitoring of Veterans at high risk for suicide, ensuring VA facilities achieve maximal compliance with detailed VA suicide prevention care pathways and policies, resulting in life-saving care for Veterans at risk.

The PCM HRO footprint continues to grow across Veterans Integrated Services Network (VISNs) nationwide. Currently, 16 sites are live with PCM HRO including facilities in VISNs 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 21, with several more in various stages of procurement. These deployments are immediately improving Veteran care and improving employee experience.

Learn more about PCM HRO and how it supports VA medical centers towards improved clinical outcomes.