DSS, Inc. Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS) Solution Helps the VA Modernize Veteran Prescriptions

RxTracker Software designed to improve access and quality of care

One of the biggest responsibilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is getting medical prescriptions to millions of Veterans. The VA processes almost half a million prescriptions per day, using the Centralized Mail Order Pharmacy (CMOP) network of highly automated pharmacies around the country. Almost 90 percent of prescriptions are sent to Veterans through the U.S. mail.

However, mail is not always the way Veterans wish to receive their medications. They need the ability to have their prescription filled at an outside retail pharmacy in their community, such as a Walmart or a CVS. Currently outbound prescriptions are a laborious process for the provider, who either has to fax or handwrite a prescription, or phone the retail pharmacy. Additionally, there is no easy way to indicate the prescription was dispensed and picked up at a retail pharmacy.

A major initiative of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is to modernize their Electronic Health Record (EHR). In effort to deliver on these initiatives, a Veterans Integrated Services Network (VISN) in the Northeast, will begin using RxTracker, a comprehensive, secure, web-based commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) electronic prescribing (ePrescribing) solution.

DSS RxTracker Alignment with VA's Strategic Initiatives

Modernization- the VistA/CPRS EHR integrated COTS solution application will modernize how the VA can track, monitor, and manage retail pharmacy prescriptions using a certified electronic ePrescribing rather than a manual method.

Veterans/Employee Experience (Prescriber Communications/Timely Prescription Ordering)- The prescriber instantly receives confirmation the retail pharmacy has received the order. Any pharmacy communication will be returned within the RxTracker application, where the prescriber can conveniently review and respond.

Performance Measures- There is a national goal for providers and healthcare vendors to enhance patient safety and quality by transitioning to the industry standard of electronically prescribing medications.

  • Timely prescription writing to non-VA retail pharmacies for prescribers and patients is essential for high-quality patient-centered care. Lack of timely prescription ordering can lead to a lower percentage of medication adherence. Enhancing follow-up care timeliness is consistent with VHA's goals of providing Veterans with quality health care.

  • Each VA Medical Center (VAMC) has varying procedures in handling retail pharmacy prescriptions. There is no standardization across all VAMCs nationally, which does not meet the goal of consistency and reliability.

The RxTracker deployment model is quite flexible and allows for multiple options, including on-premises in a VA datacenter or a cloud-based (VA Enterprise Cloud). Within these options, RxTracker can be deployed as an Enterprise (multi-tenant) system or as VISN/site level segregated systems that are physical or logical.

DSS solutions and services are installed at VA medical facilities nationwide. For more than 30 years, the VA has turned to DSS, Inc. to support the modernization efforts by adopting commercial products specifically aligned with VHA workflows for better continuity of care and improving Veteran’s access to care. The company is supporting the VA with multiple complex challenges such as the VA’s ongoing EHR modernization program and its drive to becoming a high reliability organization (HRO).

Download our RxTracker brochure and for more info on how DSS, Inc. supports the VA and veterans email the DSS sales team.